We are looking for a Moderator & Program Advisor to help us make the lives of millions of children in the USA and Australia more beautiful
Nia Cremene
Co-Founder of
All About Parenting

If you have experience in moderating online events and are someone who wants to contribute to a new generation of Parents, who raise their children differently, then this message is for you.

And if you’re not the person whom we’re looking for… you can earn $500 if you recommend the person who will work with us. Read on to find out how.

Patrick Ney
Lead Trainer
Here’s what I’m going to talk about:
1) Our story and how All About Parenting has evolved over time
2) What kind of Moderator and Program Advisor we are looking for and how you will contribute to a new generation of parents
3) With whom you will work and why it’s great to be part of our team
4) Why NOT to apply for this role
And, finally, if you really want this and all things sound good to you, how to apply to become one of the stars in our team.
1) Our Story and how All About Parenting has evolved over time

My name is Nia Cremene and my All About Parenting story began more than 10 years ago, when I completed my first internationally recognized course to become an Expert in parenting.

Back then, it was a pioneering field and many people considered that there was no need to learn how to raise children better. Actually, we still have a lot of work to do regarding this perception.

In the same year my son was born – 2010 – I began giving seminars for 10-12 people and taught parents how to solve day-to-day problems and raise independent children. The workshops were always two-day weekend events. I remember that I did the first workshop while I was still breastfeeding (in the breaks).

I quickly realised that this was my mission and that parenting was going to become more than a job. I had found my vocation. In a short space of time, my mission took shape: my aim was to reach as many parents as possible. I wanted to help them and give them valuable and effective information so that they could have well-balanced relationships with their children and raise them to be responsible. That way, tomorrow, their world will be better than ours is today.

This is how the first parenting methodology based on the latest research in the science of motivation was born, along with the first online parenting course – it lasted 10 months, on the principle that, just as it takes 9 months to bring a child into the world, it would make sense to study the art of raising them for a lifetime for at least the same amount of time.

(Nia Cremene presenting one of our live events before Coronavirus)

In 4 years, I went from being a lone wolf to working with more than 30 absolutely wonderful people. Today, the All About Parenting team is getting close to 50 people, has 7 different nationalities and covers the 4 languages we present in and with clients around the world. 

Together with the other All About Parenting trainers, in the last 3 years, we’ve met more than 250,000 parents who have attended our seminars that we offer for free both online and in person.

We now have over 300,000 parents reading emails from us every week or following us on Facebook, with another 26,000+ parents on the All About Parenting online programme, so they can raise their children differently.

Initially, All About Parenting began in Romania, though since the start I’ve been in contact with researchers from a number of universities from around the world (today, there are over 40!). What at the outset looked like just a local project gathered steam and it has quickly expanded to other countries around the world.

This is due to the fact that the fundamentals of the All About Parenting programme (such as Self-Determination theory) are universal and work regardless of language, culture, race, social class, etc. All About Parenting is not “one mum’s opinion”, like a lot of blogs on the subject, and doesn’t offer up “recipes” for you to follow. Rather, it uses the language parents themselves use to provide simple explanations of complex, tried-and-tested ideas from worldwide research into psychology.

In the last 2 years, we’ve translated, filmed and edited the All About Parenting programme into English, Polish and Russian. In the next 2 years, we want to grow our team in German-, Spanish-, French- and Italian-speaking countries.

(Patrick Ney presenting one of our live events before Coronavirus)
What we want to achieve at All About Parenting in the next 10 years

It might look like we’ve come a long way, but what we have achieved so far is very little compared to what we want to do in the next 10 years.

Three years from now, we want to be operating in more than 30 countries. We realise that it’s a pretty crazy objective for a team as small as ours, but that just spurs us on even more.

Our vision is that, by inspiring a “critical mass” of parents around the world to choose to learn All About Parenting, they will then inspire other parents to do the same.

Unfortunately, schooling doesn’t always prepare us for day-to-day life. We’ve ended up believing that there is no need or it’s not normal to learn about how to raise a fulfilled child.

There’s nothing that impacts as much on our lives as the parent-child relationship (a.k.a. parenting). This is why we’ve decided to make it our team’s mission.

We want to make parents around the world feel that learning about the parent-child relationship (parenting) is as normal as taking driving lessons before getting behind the wheel.

We don’t think it’s fair that you spend more time learning how to drive than you do about raising a child who is, after all, a future adult.

We want to change this perception in the collective mentality.

And this is where we need your help.

2) What kind of Moderator and Program Advisor we are looking for and the way in which you will contribute to a new generation of parents

Your main responsibility will be to moderate a number of webinars per week and, after each one, to contact the participants by phone. 

To be successful in this role, this is what we expect from you:

  • to be a native English speaker
  • to communicate empathically with parents, while remaining assertive;
  • to work in an organized manner;
  • to call parents who participated in the Masterclass and to check their interest in the All About Parenting programme and answer their questions;
  • to pay attention to details, while also being fast;
  • to solve clients’ problems and to help them transform their dissatisfaction into satisfaction;
3) Whom you will work with and why it is great to be part of our team

Our team is present on 3 continents, covering 7 different nationalities, and each and every one of our colleagues feels their activity is unique and especially meant for them.

If you like to solve problems, then our team is definitely the right place for you.

Our work is fully remote and our schedule is flexible, which means that you will have the opportunity to work from home (wherever you may be, that is), as long as you follow the Masterclass calendar.

The English All About Parenting Expert is a very special person. Patrick Ney is British; he moved to Poland almost 10 years ago, when he married a beautiful Pole, with whom he now has 2 children. He is certified in the All About Parenting methodology, which he brilliantly teaches in Masterclasses and online videos. 

Every 3 months, we all meet to celebrate our latest success, to analyse what happened during the last 90 days and to set our objectives for the following quarter, so that we can reach even more parents and help even more children.

Then, we establish our Masterclass calendar for the following 3 months and the entire Customer Care activity aligns with this calendar.

The Masterclasses are the only fixed element in our team. As for everything else, everyone can organise their work as they please, as long as they solve clients’ problems according to the standard agreed upon.

(the All About Parenting team at our quarterly meeting, September 2021)

However, we don’t want you or us to waste time; what we want is to make sure you understand very well what kind of person we are looking for. 

We are looking for a resourceful Moderator and Program Advisor…

4) So, please DON’T apply if…
  • you are not a native English speaker
  • you don’t like to talk on the phone;
  • you don’t have good pronunciation and a clear voice;
  • you don’t like to work in a team, surrounded by other people;
  • you don’t learn fast and you don’t like unforeseen situations or new tasks, which you will not know how to solve at the beginning and for which you will have to come up with solutions on your own.
And now, if the description above matches you…

…and you want to contribute to a new generation of parents who raise their children differently, here’s how you can apply:

Record a video in English (5 minutes max.) and send the link to my colleague, Ale, at team@allaboutparenting.com, in which you answer the questions below. You can record this video in selfie-mode on your phone or on your computer

1) A few words about yourself (what city and country you live in, how old your children are, etc.)

2) What experience do you have with moderating online events?

3) What convinced you to apply for this role?

4) How did you find out about this role?

The more details for questions 2 and 3, the better.

What follows after you apply?

1) Each application email will receive an answer (either negative or positive).

2) If the application is ok, you will receive some practical exercises so that you can demonstrate your skills.

3) If this is also ok, then we will meet for an online interview.

4) And, in the end, if everything is fine, we will definitely find a remuneration package that will put us on the same page, so that we can work together.

So, if you tick all the points listed above, we invite you to apply, because we can’t wait to meet you!

P.S. Reward offered! 🙂

Recommend the right person for this role and we will reward you for your help. If we get to collaborate with that person, you will receive a $500 reward. No strings attached.

We’ve paid various amounts of money to recruiting agencies before – this is why we think it’s better for this money to go to someone who follows us in the parenting community.

So far, we’ve paid out $500 more than ten times and we hope to do it again soon.

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